Pascoleucyn Forte - Homeopathic Remedy for Flu Prevention
Take advantage of our introductory $49 offer to boost your immune system this time of the year! Your visit will include: 15 minutes...
A Parents' Guide to Healthy Halloween
Gum, toffee, lollipops, chips, candies and chocolate can be every parents worst nightmare at Halloween, not to mention the artificial...
Do-It-Yourself Skin Care Workshop at RHNC!
Heads up! Our popular DIY workshop on how to make your own skin care products using natural ingredients is scheduled for Friday September...
5 Ways to keep You & Your Kids Healthy this Flu Season!
So it's that time of year again, where the kleenex boxes become a must have item on your shopping list. Gettting a mild cold may not be...
Its Allergy Season!!
That dreaded time of year when red eyes and sneezing plague millions in North America. Let's face it - allergies are uncomfortable! For...
Traveller's Guide to Summer Fun!!
With a beautiful summer now here, the camping equipment, bathing suits and travel luggage are all going to come into great use… We have...
Celebrate Naturopathic Medicine Week with RHNC
Drop by to learn more about the naturopathic medicine and to receive a 15 minutes complimentary consultation to see how naturopathic...