At RHNC we focus on thorough patient assessment prior to initiating any treatment protocol. All our patients will have an access to numerous laboratory tests as clinically indicated and advised by their naturopathic doctor (additional fees and charges will apply).
The following are the examples of the laboratory tests we carry:
Laboratory Services
Food Sensitivity Tests
The IgG blood spot test measures levels of IgG antibodies to
different foods in delayed onset allergies.
IgG testing for food is not considered diagnostic, however correlations in the food types can reveal underlying sensitivities not previously known.
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is a condition in which abnormally large numbers of bacteria – the types that are normally found in the large intestine – are present in the small intestine.
The Hydrogen/Methane breath test is a reliable and convenient method to help in assessing and classifying dysbiosis and SIBO.
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Risk Assessment:
Measures Lipoprotein Particles
This test takes conventional cholesterol testing a few steps further and measures the size and density of the LDL low
density lipoprotein ("bad cholesterol") particles.
This test helps to identify dyslipidemia (abnormal amounts of lipid in the blood) before it becomes apparent through conventional testing, and provides more accurate cardiovascular risk assessment.
The smaller the particles are the easier they adhere to the
arterial wallswhich leads to further oxidation and arterial
plaque formation. In other words, patients with the same LDL values might have different cardiovascular risk levels based on the size and number of the LDL particles. The test also measures oxidized (damaged) LDL and specific protein constituents of lipoproteins (apolipoproteins) that serve as independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
GI - MAP Stool Test
The GI-MAP stool test (Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus) is a comprehensive diagnostic tool used to analyze the health of your gut. This test evaluates the presence of various microorganisms (such as bacteria, parasites, and fungi) and other biomarkers related to gut function. The GI-MAP test is commonly ordered to help identify the root causes of digestive issues, such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and chronic gut-related symptoms.
The test typically checks for Bacterial Pathogens, Parasites, Fungal Overgrowth, Benefitial Gut Bacteria, Markers of Inflammation, Gut Immune Function, and Digestive Enzymes.
Hair Mineral Analysis
Evaluates for chronic exposure to toxic elements, such as lead, mercury or arsenic (i.e. "heavy metals"). It also provides information on the absorption and assimilation of essential, nutritionally important minerals (e.g. iron, copper, zinc).
Fatty Acid Profile
The test measures the percentage of fatty acids in red blood cells: good fats (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) and bad fats (trans fatty acids or trans fats). The current research shows that it is important to have the right balance of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids to reduce inflammation.
Trans fats are known to raise the "bad" LDL cholesterol and have other detrimental effects on health. The test is also used to evaluate the efficacy of the EFAs (essential fatty acids,
e.g.derived from fish oil) supplementation program.
Common Panel Tests
Complete Blood Count and ferritin
Glucose fasting and random
Liver function tests
Thyroid function tests
Lipid assessment (including cholesterol, HDL-C, triglycerides, calculated LDL-C and Cholesterol/HDL ratio)
Hormonal Panel tests (e.g. estrogen, progesterone and precursors, free testosterone, DHEAS, prolactin)
Vitamins: vitamin B12, vitamin D, 25 hydroxy
Immunology tests: rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA/ANF), anti-thyroid antibodies, C-reactive protein and other tests
Prostate specific antigen (PSA)
Fecal occult blood test
Microbiology tests: urine, stool culture, stool for ova and parasites