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Healthy Start

Start the day with a protein source. A good Breakfast helps to avoid energy dips mid-day, and provides the brain with much needed fuel after ~12 hours of being in overnight fasting mode.

Eat at least three meals a day and plan your meals ahead of time. Planning ahead helps avoid rushing into buying less healthy options in often large portion sizes.

Balance your plate with a variety of foods. Half your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables, about 1/4 with lean meat, poultry or fish, and 1/4 with grains. You can also add fat- free or low-fat milk, yogurt or cheese.

Start your meal with low calorie foods like fruits, vegetables, soups and salads.

Be mindful when eating. Pick one place to sit down and eat at home. Eating while doing other things may lead to eating more than you need. Also, switching from a large plate to a smaller one may help you feel satisfied with reduced portions.

Know when you’ve had enough to eat. Stop eating before you feel full or stuffed. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that your body is getting food. When your brain gets this message, you stop feeling hungry. So, fast eaters—slow down and give your brain a chance to get the word.

Get plenty of fiber from fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Fiber can help you feel full longer, help you eliminate waste products with ease and lower your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Watch portion sizes. Eating the right amounts of food is important so that we don’t overeat and feel fatigue after meals. Napping after meals keeps the gut feeling heavy and can contribute to reflux.

Snack smart. Include snacks as part of your daily calorie allowance and limit portions to one serving. Plan for nutritious snacks to prevent between-meal hunger. Keep portable, healthy snacks in your desk or car. Nuts, veggies & hummus, protein bars, and fruits are all great options.

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